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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January almost gone

Hello world! I planned to do a special "yay it's 2013" blog but I never got around to it. Technically, I am still in winter hibernation, but I did come out of hiding to do a couple of sessions this month. As the wind howls outside and the rain beats down I figured now was a good a time as any to catch up the blog. Other than wishing this awful wet winter was over, I've been enjoying 2013. Hope all of you are too!

So, as you know I don't photograph babies under six months old. But, this guy belongs to some of my dearest friends and he made his debut in December. He's a month old in his pictures and just sweet as pie.

And this little gal has been a client since way back when. I was honored to take pictures for her for CCHS Basketball homecoming. Look at how gorg she is.

Stay Beautiful
